Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fresno, CA

I think I am finally settled in! My mom and I got to Fresno Wednesday night and met the family I will be living with. They were so sweet to us and we could not have picked a better situation. I put together some "goodies" from Texas for a welcome gift... complete with chips and hot sauce, a "don't mess with Texas mug, Texas hot pad, Texas-shaped pasta, Texas sized jelly beans, and preserves! (Thanks to Rachel for the idea!)

Thursday I had orientation at the hospital. It was so cute!

Here is a picture of the entrance

They had several animals along the road to the hospital... really "kid friendly"

I started my internship on Friday and love it. It is going to be very challenging... but I am looking forward to what is ahead!

My mom flew back to Texas today and I discovered the mall! It doesn't take me long!

Some things I like so far about Cali...
1. Every yard is landscaped beautifully! I went on a walk tonight and there is not one yard without bright green, carpet-like grass and beautiful flowers! So nice!
2. No humidity... it is hot here (102-104 during the day) but no moisture in the air like back home!
3. AND... I found a Chic-Fil-A this weekend! I was getting a little worried b/c I had not seen one since Texas! I was not sure what I was going to eat... but no worries... there is one close by!
4. Awesome fruit! There are orchards all around the area and they sell fresh peaches, grapes, plums, and lots more!

Things I already miss about Texas...
1. Friends and family close by
2. Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream
3. Of course... Tucker!


  1. welcome to cali!! what an awesome opportunity!! love how the texas basket turned out!! super cute!!! praying for you!!!

  2. I just read all your posts, so excited for you! The drive looked beautiful & so glad you got to see the Grand Canyon! What a blessing that you're staying with such sweet people, I bet they loved the TX basket! Have a great week, can't wait to see you IN FOUR DAYS!!! We are going to have SO MUCH FUN! Love you! :)

  3. Morgan, I'm pretty sure they sell Blue Bell ice cream in Cali! But, maybe I'm wrong. Go get you some!

  4. I miss you so much!!! I hope you enjoyed your first full week at the hospital! Have so much fun in San Fran this weekend!! I can't wait to see you at the wedding!!
